
Showing posts from 2015


What are insecurities? What does it mean? Why each and every human being has this issue? It is because we have been compared to and we, ourselves, would compare us with one another. All of us have something about us that we don’t like or would want to change about. It could be the way we look or the way our body is or even the way our characters are. Sometimes it could be more specific too, like; maybe we want bigger eyes, smaller arms and thighs or even a flatter tummy. The list could go on and on. Girls are most likely are the victims of insecurities. We try so hard to be better for someone else, to make them like us, to make ourselves more attractive in their eyes, we forget to be ourselves. We don’t put ourselves first. We never make us as a priority and I think we should. We should do what makes us happy and at the end of the day, when we look at ourselves in the mirror, we should like us. We should like the way we are cause if we don’t love ourselves first, then who would? We ca

The Power of Love

Before you start reading this, I need you to understand that this does not apply to all the men out there, only the certain, ungrateful ones. This is for the ones who goes around and break people’s heart. I’m also not saying that only guys do that, because there are certain women who do it too. All I don’t get is that, why would they do something that is so selfish? Why is it okay for them to go around and give people false hope? By doing that, does it make them feel better about themselves? Please tell me why though, because seriously, I don’t get how a person can actually do something like that. I wouldn’t say this before, but now, I could say it because I know how it feels like, the pain people go through with love is the most painful one yet. I’ve been through so much pain in life and it does not only cause by love but other things too. Somehow, I can say that the pain of love is just unbearable. I wish though that no one would go through that or any form of pain in that matter of

Love & Heartbreak

What are love and heartbreak? Why do these two things always add up together? Why does something beautiful is taken up by something that is not? Why doesn't the good, beautiful things last forever? I'm not sure about the people out there, but I'm still seeking for an answer. I have no idea why does the world work in this way. I wish I did though, so that everything that happens would make at least a little sense. I've encountered people who told me that they don't believe in love, true love or whatever you want to call it. They are also people who question the integrity of true love. They told me that love would break you and change you to the person you're not, that it hurts so bad that you will never see it in the same way again but, is that true? I didn't agree with it though till I watch the changes that they meant myself. It definitely changes your perspective on love. I can't believe that I'm actually saying this right now because I'm more