Broken Pieces

She's a mother of two who lost her husband. Her daughters lost their dad and it was unexpected and sudden. It's sad that even if she wants to go out at this time, she's thinking twice about it because she's worried about leaving her grown up daughters alone at home. It's sad that she had to inform the neighbour to look after them for her while she's gone when she used to not worry at all because their dad was around. Even though he wasn't around much, at the end of the day, he was always there and they knew deep down inside that they were not worried at all because no matter what, he was there to save them, to protect them, to be their hero when they were in trouble. That made them sleep peacefully at night, brave enough to do and say anything and even go anywhere they wanted to but now, after he is gone, they are shaken, afraid and broken. Without them realizing, he was their strength, and courage. They needed him more than he needed them and it's too late now. Too late for everything because he left them. He will never walk through that door again because he left them in the dark for good when he was supposed to guide them out towards the light. They are lost and alone. If only one more chance were given to them. If only there were more time. If only.


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