Love & Heartbreak

What are love and heartbreak? Why do these two things always add up together? Why does something beautiful is taken up by something that is not? Why doesn't the good, beautiful things last forever? I'm not sure about the people out there, but I'm still seeking for an answer. I have no idea why does the world work in this way. I wish I did though, so that everything that happens would make at least a little sense. I've encountered people who told me that they don't believe in love, true love or whatever you want to call it. They are also people who question the integrity of true love. They told me that love would break you and change you to the person you're not, that it hurts so bad that you will never see it in the same way again but, is that true? I didn't agree with it though till I watch the changes that they meant myself. It definitely changes your perspective on love. I can't believe that I'm actually saying this right now because I'm more of a hopeless romantic, hence when someone actually told me that it was all love's fault, I denied it. I mean I grew up believing the happily ever after and that one true love that people find in movies and also the Prince Charming (I prefer a classy, well-mannered gentleman in a suit) that would come and sweep you off your feet and change your whole world. I think most of us did though. More importantly, it changes you so when someone told me that love isn't all that beautiful, of course I would deny it all the way. But the thing that I would never in a million years think would happen (a twist most people would suppose), happened to me. I started to question on the existence of true love. Does it even exist anymore? The people out there, whatever they are saying about love, is that all true? I've been heartbroken quite a number of times, but I always have hope of love. No matter how much it hurts, I always believed in it, but, what changes that? Easy. One particular guy. Who you never thought would be capable to do that. But he did. Afterwards that, you couldn't even see love the same way again. He came into your life and changes you and everything around you and when he left everything he made you believe in, every single thing that he made you feel went away with him and you were never the same again. I guess, there would always be that one guy who would open up your eyes and brings you back to reality. He was that guy. Like I said earlier, I have been hurt, but this is different compared to the ones before. This time it was so real and everyone around me saw it too. It was so obvious and it was going on continuously for quite a few months. I believed in it because action speaks louder than words, right? At least that's what I thought. Then I found out that it was all a game for him. He gave me hope and in the same time, he took it all away. I also found out that he did the same thing to the girl before me. That to me was an eye opener. I wasn't expecting that one. I thought he was a very nice guy and his looks, it doesn't even matter to me cause I saw him for the person he was but now, I know, good looking or not they are the same (not all guys though). I'm still in shock, still processing what actually happened and what or where did it went wrong, only when I look back at it, it wasn't even my fault. I'm just very pissed off because I wasn't even interested in him. I was minding my own business where he was the one who initiated all of this. He got me broke the wall that I build up inside me and now, it's going to take a really long time to build it up again. He made me look at him back and eventually liked him. He gave me false hope. Now, I'm left with a broken heart and a changed perception. I never asked for all of these to happen, did I? He came into my life and changes everything and then he pretends that nothing really happened? How can he just messed with someone's feeling and be okay with it? That is so not right! You either like the person or not. There is no in between. You can't just come and go whenever you feel like it. How can you be happy when you broke someone else's heart? How can you move on when you made the other person can't? How can you destroy someone's faith and hope of love? How can you do all of that and sleep peacefully at night? There's this show called Chasing Nashville on channel 709 if I'm not mistaken, I don't actually watch it but one particular day, after watching a movie in that channel, I left it on and went to take my shower so when I came down back the tv was still on and this show was playing and I remembered this because, there was a mother and daughter scene in it where the daughter was telling her mother that apparently there was this guy that she knows quite some time now and he asked her to prom so I guess after that, she texted him saying that she liked him based on how he acted with her. Whenever he is with her, he would be all flirty and close to her. He showed he was interested in her so I guess, that's what made her ask him that and then he replied her back stating that he liked her only as a friend. Her exact word to her mother after that was, "I must be ugly". I'm not sure whether it was intended for me to watch that particular part or it's just a coincidence, but that was the reason for me writing this in the first place. I realized that it's not only happening to the people here, but everywhere in the world. I just don't get how can you show that you're interested with that person, give them hope, make them fall for you and in the end of the day, saying that "I liked you as friend" or "I didn't see you in that way"? How can someone do that to another person? Explain to me please, because I'm confused. How can somebody be so cold hearted? If you're not ready to be in a relationship or you just not sure about it, why can't you simply tell the person or show them that you're not interested at least? Why go all the way to do all of that you could do and eventually make the person like you then take it all away? Why? Why lie to them? Why would you break their trust? They likely will start having trust issues and they can't trust anyone ever or worse, can't fall in love again. Don't you realize how messed up that is? To deceive or destroy one's trust has been the sickest thing ever. I bet most of us don't want to think that all men are the same, but as said by Stephanie in Catfish: The TV Show (S4), "Why does men have to be disappointing?" But then again, not only women have been going through it. There are also men who have gone through it as well. I'm writing this for the ones who knows what I've felt like and also to the rest out there to be cautious about it. It might happen to you too and when that happens, you probably would give up hope on love and you probably think that you might not be able to fall in love again. You would be afraid of getting your heart broken all over again and it will definitely take you a lot of time to trust someone ever again because that's what I'm going through right now, but remember this, it never is love's fault in the first place so don't blame on it when everything goes wrong. It's not entirely your fault either. It's the person who made you feel this way. People are the ones who constantly make mistakes, not love. Love is pure and beautiful. It is never evil. Yes, it will take a long time for you to finally believe in it again but you eventually will. I guess, it just needs the right person at the right time to make you believe in all of that you believed once upon a time ago. When that takes place, I assure you that all the heartache and misery you've been through will all be worth it at that moment and it will make you feel like you are in a fairy tale where happily ever afters do exist. Finally, to the gents and ladies out there who appears to be okay with going around and messing with a particular individual heart and feelings, tell me something, how would you feel if the same thing happens to you? Put yourself in their shoes and think for a minute before you actually give them any hope at all because giving someone false hope is more dangerous than giving them no hope at all. Just take a moment to think about it. Destroying a person's belief in love or on anything at all is like you're crushing someone's heart in a million pieces and leaving them heartless and worse, a soulless person. No one wants that to happen so don't do it. If you don't like them, tell them. Do not lead them on. It doesn't only hurt them, but it makes you a less nicer person too, and karma will never leave anyone alone. What goes around will always come around. No one in this world wants to see anyone get hurt so why do you? 


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