Here's to New Beginnings

Hello, people! I'm Darsh here, and I'm 23 years old (2018). I started this blog when I was 19 and looking back, I realised how far has this beautiful, yet heartbreaking journey have been so I have decided to update the introduction of this blog. I have also deleted a few old posts because I feel like the person I am now is far from different than the person who wrote about all of that then. My sole purpose of writing this blog is still the same. I'm writing it because hopefully my experiences can help someone out, give them hope, and to make them know that they are not alone in this. Life does not always go the way we planned, but that does not mean there's nothing to look for. No matter how tired it gets, sometimes being strong is the only thing that we have to hold on to, and pray that sooner or later everything gets better. I really do hope that my writing could be a help in some way and if you feel like you want to talk to someone, you can definitely talk to me about anything. I'll promise to get back to you guys as soon as possible. So stay tuned for more write-ups and I hope you guys will be having a good year ahead. Stay safe. As said as Kristin Hannah, "If I have learned anything in this long life of mine, it is this: in love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are."


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